I had my first ultrasound last Friday.
The ultrasound technician said nothing for what seemed like an eternity. With each second that ticked by, my hope dwindled.
She could see the gestational sac, but there was no baby inside. The condition, I later found out, is called a blighted ovum. The sac is formed, but the baby never grows.
She offered me two alternatives, to either do blood work to see if my hormone levels were dropping, or wait 2 weeks for another ultrasound. I chose the blood work.
As it turned out, I didn't need either. I started bleeding today. And that was that.
We'll try again as soon as we can. I'm giving it the duration of my 40th year, which begins in mid-July. If I continue to miscarry through the entire next year, then I will resign myself to being satisfied with our one, beautiful daughter.
Happier news next time. I have a cat and kittens story, but I'm not up to telling it.